Profit explosion point: to create a store atmosphere

Why do some shops you want to enter? Why do some stores you want to see more? Why do some stores you see is the brand shop? Why do some shops make you want to come back? Why do some stores look at the business explosion? Here, let's meet the profit explosion point: learn to create a store atmosphere!


A store environment directly affects the quality of the customer's desire to buy, a good store to attract a steady stream of customers, but a bad store has made people feel prohibitive. For lingerie brand in terms of stores, how to create an atmosphere of stores, a direct impact on whether they can have better sales and customer appeal of your brand.

First, the store effect - bright lights

Lighting and light color for the display of goods, it is like a language that guides the customer's eyes, and emotionally describe the characteristics of the product. Colors and lighting on the merchandise of the force, is the store to attract customers elements. A lingerie brand stores, need different lighting focus contrast.

For lighting, there are three basic conditions:

Basic lighting: basic lighting is to maintain the visibility of the store to facilitate customers to buy goods designed lighting group. At present the mall to use chandeliers, ceiling lamps and wall lamp combination to create a neat and quiet, light shopping environment. The principle of design lighting is not the average light use, to highlight the key points, highlighting the display part of the product, the total brightness of the lighting to achieve a certain intensity.

Special lighting: also known as product lighting, which is set to highlight the characteristics of goods to attract customers attention and lamps. For example, sales of underwear in important new areas, the use of directional beam lighting, focusing on the introduction of new products.

Decorative lighting: This is an important part of the business scene advertising, with neon lights, electronic display or use rotating to attract customers' attention.

Second, neat store environment

Clean, make customers relaxed and happy. Bright and clean store access, elegant and relaxed shopping environment, often customers will have a fresh, high quality feeling. As long as you grasp the neat and high-quality psychological links, make rational use and arrangement of lighting, sound, decoration and color in the effective space so that they can create a material and spiritual atmosphere for consumers to feel relaxed and happy,

Third, the trend of fashion dynamic music

Before business, elegant and quiet music, business, comfort music, allowing customers to enter the imagination of the space. Before the close of business, play lively, enthusiastic and encouraging music.

Fourth, neat and rich modern display.

The display needs to center around two cores:

Product Core: Edition, color, price, material

Consumer group core: the positioning of consumer groups

The purpose of the exhibition:

The main purpose of the exhibition is to promote the sale of products, followed by the dissemination of brand culture.

There are several kinds of display:

1, product display - style, material with

2, spending power display - price with

3, color display - color, material

4, the story display - brand value and core competitiveness

5, moving display - consumer group mobile planning

Five, triggering the impulse of promotional information

Large promotional seditious advertising paintings, with the visual explosion point of the word design. Such as: hot price, exclusive hot, buy price ... ... fonts to large, playful, visual impact better.

Sixth, the appropriate temperature and smell

In a branded store, the right smell usually has a positive effect on the human body's physiology. One storey shopper will not stay for a long time, and a tasteless shop will make the shopper's mood even more sluggish. In the fresh as the wild, relaxed and happy shopping environment, it will allow customers to enjoy the United States, customers can make the purchase activities in the spirit of refreshing, feel comfortable, so that the smell is to stimulate the store to buy blindly "additives"

Atmosphere to create more easily create and provide consumers with a unique consumer experience, through experience in the minds of consumers to establish a unique brand image, causing consumers to focus on the brand to stimulate consumer desire for the purchase of the product.